Theme: The Future of Nursing: Navigating Beyond the Horizon


Renowned Speakers


On behalf of the Global Virtual Summit on World Nursing, we are delighted to welcome you to join the Conference scheduled on October 13-14, 2022, Vancouver, Canada, which is an exceptional gathering for the worldwide prominent scholastics in the field of Nursing where Directors, Scientists, Professors, Research scholars, Postdocs, Academic Staff are about to share their research work and acquiesce new emerging technological trends in the conference areas.

World Nursing Meet 2022 is an International platform to adverse and study about the early detection as well as treatment care based on Professional standards, and intense research on whole Nursing. The conference contains significant international experts in Scientists, Doctors, Nurses, research scholars and general practitioners, Student Delegates and Exhibitors form all over the world to our Conference with the theme “The Future of Nursing: Navigating Beyond the Horizon”. Conference will be featuring oral presentations, poster presentations, keynote talks, workshops and many more.

The conference will focus on Nursing Education, Nursing Practice & Research, Types of Nursing, Health Care and Management, Midwifery and Nursing, Nursing Leadership and Management, Clinical Nursing & Practice, Oncology Nursing and Cancer Care, Nurse Practitioner Updates, Women Health Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Cardiac Nursing, Holistic Nursing, Geriatric nursing, Dental Nursing, Adult Nursing and Mental Health Nursing.

Scope and Importance:

World Nursing Meet 2022 aims to discover advances in Nursing and study about the early detection as well as treatment care based on Professional standards, and intense research on whole Nursing. The Conference is to give a platform to academicians and practitioners from multiple disciplines to debate and deliberate on social change that is covered by innovation and technology.

Who can attend?

World Nursing Meet 2022  brings together individuals who have an interest in different fields of Nursing like Nursing Practice & Research, Health Care and Management, Midwifery, Clinical Nursing & Practice, Oncology Nursing and Cancer Care, Women Health Nursing as Nursing Lecturers ,Nurses , Healthcare Professionals , Directors of Association and Societies,  Researchers, Physicians and Pharmacists. It is a forum to discover issues of mutual concern as well as exchange knowledge, share evidence, thoughts, and make solutions.

Why to attend?

World Nursing Meet 2022 is one of the world's leading scientific conferences to bring together all the participants to exchange about state of the art Research and Technologies and to bring discoveries of Nursing. Attending International conference is being the Professional Development and to get the current state of research and the challenges to future discovery.

Conferences are for a person who, without travelling, desires to retain their clinical education. They are interactive offerings that offer case-primarily based totally presentations, on line reviews, and stay conversations with key opinion leaders that consist of beneficial recommendation in your normal scientific practice.

Target Audience:                                                      

Advanced Practice Nurses | Registered Nurses | Health care Practitioners | Healthcare Professionals | Scientists | Doctors | Professors | Nursing Lecturers | Nurses | Directors of Association and Societies | Researchers, Training Institutes | Physicians | Physician Assistants | Licensed Practical Nurse | | Directors  & CEO’s of Organizations | Noble Laureates in Health Care and Nursing | Ph.D. Scholars | Graduates and Post Graduates | Healthcare Industries | Healthcare & Nursing Associations | Hospitals | Government Healthcare Departments | Pharmaceutical Industries | Pharmacists | Microbiologists | Staff development Educators | Nursing and Healthcare Students | Nurse Educators | Midwives | Public health Professionals.

Track 01: Nursing Theory

Nursing theories are exhibited as scientific knowledge concepts that actually define the scope of nursing practice. These theories are important with inside the idea of nursing. Most of the nursing theories are evolved with the aid of using nurses, however at instances different fitness professionals, inclusive of physicians have contributed to the improvement of nursing theories. Nurses can create a theory on their own or in association with other nurses. In nurse theories assist explain what nurses do and why they do it. The framework provided from the various nursing theories helps to shape the parameters of patient care delivery. Doctors of Nursing Practice (DNPs) may use these theories to help shape care delivery plans in a way that is compatible with a variety of planned outcomes. 

·         Grand Nursing Theories

·         Middle-Range Nursing Theories

·         Practice-Level Nursing Theories

Nursing Education Conferences | Nursing Informatics Congress | Current Trends in Nursing practice Congress

Track 02: Nursing Education

Nursing education is one of the professional educations for the preparation of different kinds of nurses to certify them to provide executive health care to the patients including all ages who are suffering from the variety of diseases or disorders. This includes the functions and responsibilities in the physical care of patients, and a combination of different disciplines that both accelerates the patient's return to health and helps maintain it.

·         Nursing Qualification

·         Nursing Degrees in world

·         Indian Nursing Council

Nursing Informatics Congress | Current Trends in Nursing practice Congress | Types of Nursing conferences

Track 03: Nursing Informatics

Nursing Informatics is an area under nursing profession which understand the concept of nursing, data analysis, Information sciences for medical data maintenance and development, thereby supports the nursing practice and finally improves the result of patient healthcare by following the recently evolved technologies. Informatics is changing the face of healthcare. As they are based on the front lines of patient care, nurse informaticists are especially suited for playing a greater role in health care planning and decision-making.

·         Responsibilities and duties of Nurse Informaticist

·         Computerised Provider Order Entry

·         Electronic Medical Records

Current Trends in Nursing practice Congress | Types of Nursing conferences | Pediatric Nursing Conferences

Track 04: Current Trends in Nursing Practice

Nursing is consistently changing from time to time. In order to accept some new challenges and further activities in your career, we have to make novel developments like Improving outpatient care, Importance of Ethnic accomplishment, improving health of the patient, increasing customer experience and arise the data analysis skills among nurses.

·         Outpatient Care

·         Importance of Cultural Competency

·         Preventive Health

·         Increasing Consumer Sophistication

·         Rise of Nursing Informatics

Types of Nursing conferences | Pediatric Nursing Conferences | Adult Nursing Congress

Track 05: Types of Nursing

In nursing profession, We have different kinds of nurses have all sorts of unique specialties and capabilities based on training and certification, whether it's registered nurses, pediatric nurses, neonatal/NICU nurses, flight nurses, home health nurses and nurses who specialize in radiology, telemetry, dialysis etc., It is classified into various sectors which includes

·         Registered nurse

·         Licensed Practical nurse

·         Clinical Nurse Specialist

·         Nurse Practitioner

·         ICU Registered Nurse

·         Travel Registered Nurse

·         Staff Nurse

·         Operating Room Nurse

Pediatric Nursing Conferences | Adult Nursing Congress | Midwifery Nursing conferences

Track 06: Pediatric Nursing

Pediatric nursing also known as child nursing and are responsible for maintaining safety of neonates and also children up to their adolescence most often in a day-clinics or In-patient hospitals. They are further divided into direct nursing care, Neonatal nursing and Pediatric Emergency nursing. They should follow certain fundamentals to reach their goal in order to promote the health of the children. They give primary care services such as diagnosing and treating most common childhood illnesses and developmental screenings. Acute care and special services are also available for the chronically ill children.

·         Vaccination & Autism

·         Antibiotic Resistance in Preschool Children

·         Eating Disorders & Social Media Impact

·         Pediatric Care Ethics

·         Adolescent Medicine Practices

·         Speech Disorders Therapy

Adult Nursing Congress | Midwifery Nursing conferences  | Geriatric Nursing Conferences

Track 07: Adult Nursing

General  nursing also known as Adult nursing, as described by the Nursing and Midwifery Council, they are responsible for maintaining the safety of adults ranges from 18 years old to elder people who are suffering from different ailments. Adult nurses have knowledge to meet the physical, psychological, holistic and social needs, demands and faiths of people from ethnically diverse communities. They are the main point of contact for adult patients and their families, and play a vital role in teams of professional and medical staff. Adult nurses are work with doctors, social workers and therapists, and attend to a patient's comfort and emotional well-being as well as their medical needs.

·         Mental Health & Psychiatric Care in Adults

·         Bipolar Disorder Non-Chemical Practices

·         Exercise & Sports Medicine

·         Obesity & Weight Management Programs

·         Dental & Oral Health in United States

Midwifery Nursing conferences | Geriatric Nursing Conferences | Women Health Nursing Conferences

Track 08: Midwifery Nursing

Midwifery Nursing is a branch of medical science and profession that deals with gestation women, parturition and the postpartum period. The period belongs to gestation that includes all the trimesters and parturition includes labor, delivery and their birthing positions. They are also responsible to take care of the new born. Nurses and midwives account for approximately 50% of the global health workforce. Nurses play a vital role in health promotion, disease prevention and delivering primary and community care. They can provide care in emergency settings and they will be key to the achievement of universal health coverage.

·         Maternal & Neonatal Practices in Rural Areas

·         First Antenatal Appointment Analysis

·         Mental Illness & Post-natal Period

·         Self-Instruction Kits & Natal Safety

·         Gestational Weight Gain Challenges

·         Obese Pregnant Women Safety Rules

Geriatric Nursing Conferences | Women Health Nursing Conferences | Mental Health Nursing Conferences

Track 09: Geriatric Nursing

Gerontology is the study which include social, cultural, behavioural, psychological, cognitive, physiological and psychological features of old age people and their aging. Geriatric nurses are responsible for maintaining the healthcare of elderly patients within the hospital, in the home or at any rehabilitation institutions/psychiatric institutions. Elderly care nurses are responsible for the observation the disease at its early stages and also to prevent the further progression of the disease condition by following the ethical rules related to geriatrics. They are expected to be skilled in patient care, treatment planning, education and rehabilitation. Geriatric nurses also take on many roles in the workplace.

·         Joint Disorders Study

·         Alzheimer's Disease

·         Atrial Fibrillation Study

·         Bladder Cancer Therapy

·         Cardiovascular Risk Reduction

·         Geriatrics Ethics

Women Health Nursing Conferences | Mental Health Nursing Conferences | Nursing on Obstetrics Conferences

Track 10: Women Health Nursing

This is a particular category of nursing practice which involves the specialization in the ailments of effeminate consumptive structure that includes female genitalia growth, female genitalia malignancy, reasons for the advance of malignant tumour, cervical & breast carcinoma treatment. They are responsible in provide the healthcare services for woman in all aspects. In addition, they also provide the ethical principles according to the infertility, contraceptive advices, labor and delivery advices to the woman. Nurses are the primary providers of bedside care for women and new born children.

·         Breast Cancer Treatment & Prognosis

·         Infertility Ethical Rules

·         Menopause Challenges

·         Ovarian Disorder Analysis

·         Pregnancy Prevention Measures

·         Reproductive Endocrinology

Mental Health Nursing Conferences | Nursing on Obstetrics Conferences | Evidence based Nursing Education and Practice Conferences

Track 11: Mental Health Nursing

Mental Health Nursing is known as psychiatric nursing. It is a distinct category of nursing practice which deals with the mental health of the patients of all age groups suffering from mental disorders. It includes depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, PTSD, bipolar disorder and drug addiction. PMH-APRN’s are responsible to maintain health care services to the mentally retarded patients by working with individual patients, families and groups. They follow some nursing therapy interference for the diagnosis & treatment of the disorders.

·         Depression

·         Alcohol Addiction

·         Schizophrenia

·         Bipolar Disorder

·         PTSD

·         Psychiatric Patient Ethics

·         Nursing Interventions therapies

·         Awareness Programmes

Nursing on Obstetrics Conferences | Evidence based Nursing Education and Practice ConferencesClinical Nursing Congress

Track 12: Nursing On Obstetrics

Obstetrical nursing is also called as perinatal nursing deals with the patients, who are planning to become pregnant, or in gestation period, or in parturition condition. Obstetrical nurses are responsible to take care of normal pregnancy condition, abnormal pregnancy condition, normal labor & induction of labor, abnormal labor and any other pregnancy related complications.

·         Historical development of Obstetrics

·         Magnitude of Mental health problem in Ethiopia

·         Normal pregnancy

·         Normal Labour

·         Normal Puerperium

·         Abnormal pregnancy

·         Abnormal Labour

·         Abnormal Puerperium

·         Induction of Labour

·         Congenital Anomalies

·         Obstetric Operations

Evidence based Nursing Education and Practice Conferences | Clinical Nursing Congress | Perioperative Nursing Conferences

Track 13: Evidence Based Nursing Education and Practice

Evidence based medicine is the best practice which was established in England in early 1990s. EBP is the realistic utilization of the recent evidence in acquiring decisions regarding the patient healthcare individually. There are several goals for EBP to follow the steps in order to achieve the patient’s healthcare. Various resources are included among varied hierarchy of evidence. John Hopkins nursing EBP and IOWA models are to promote quality care.

·         Goal of EBP

·         Steps in EBP

·         Sources & Hierarchy Of Evidences

·         Models of EBP

·         Barriers of EBP

Clinical Nursing Congress | Perioperative Nursing Conferences | Holistic Nursing Congress

Track 14: Clinical Nursing

Clinical nursing is an enlightened medical practice which can give a professional advice regarding the pathological conditions and therapy approach. Clinical nurses works along with the different types of nurse to process their technical skills and improves the healthcare of patients by working in different sectors. There are 3 fields of influences like subject, nursing practitioner and domain (healthcare system) and these spheres further identifies 7 core competencies.

·         Roles & Responsibilities

·         Steps followed to achieve safety

·         Clinical Nursing and Evaluation

·         Clinical Nursing Research

·         Clinical Treatment

·         Disease Management

·         Spheres and core competencies

Perioperative Nursing Conference | Holistic Nursing Congress | Advances in Nursing Conferences

Track 15: Perioperative Nursing

Perioperative nursing a special category of nursing practice which is responsible in maintaining the patient healthcare during the surgical process that includes: preoperative, intra-operative and post-operative. It plays an important role in identifying the method of pathology which is required for performing a surgery according to the ethical principles. Surgical procedures can be classified into different types based on the purpose, based on urgency and based on intensity of risk.

·         Phases of Perioperative nursing

·         Types of surgery

·         Surgical settings & consent

·         Physical Assessment/Clinical Manifestations(Nursing History)

·         Gerontological & Psychological considerations

·         Surgical team members & their roles

Holistic Nursing Congress | Advances in Nursing Conferences | Dental Nursing Congress

Track 16: Holistic Nursing

Holistic nursing is a type of nursing practice that is responsible for maintaining the patient healthcare to treat the whole body of the patient as their fundamental goal. The general approach of this type of nursing is to maintain “mind-body-spirit-emotion-environment” as a practice of traditional system.

·         History

·         Standards & Scope of Practice

·         Responsibilities of a Holistic nurse

Advances in Nursing Conferences | Dental Nursing Congress | Travel Nursing Conferences

Track 17: Advances in Nursing

Most hospitals have advanced communication systems like to Use smart phones and apps, nurses can receive text messages and receive alarms from their patients through their phones. Forget those old-fashioned pagers. The entire nursing team is more in touch with their patients and with each other. Recently, innovative thoughts and intelligence to pulling all the companies to pave a path for the development of advanced technological systems and software with respect to health care industries. Those advanced technologies in nursing field includes, Tele-health & Tele-nursingNursing informatics, Photo-voice, smart-beds, simulation lab, Electronic medical records and thermo-dock.

·         Telehealth & Telenursing

·         Nursing Informatics

·         Photo voice

·         Patient Identification Technology

·         Smart Beds

Dental Nursing Congress | Travel Nursing Conferences | Cancer Nursing Congress

Track 18: Dental Nursing

Dental nurse is to support the dentist in all aspects of patient care, and this includes preparing the appropriate instruments and surgery, ensuring that infection control procedures are followed and continuous preparation of surgery throughout the day. A dental nurse is basically the first contact of the patients after reaching the surgery of the dentist. Most of the people are felt nervous when visiting dentist, so a dental nurse needs to be able to make the patient feel at ease – a dental nurse needs good skills for people. During surgery a dental nurse needs to be able to work fastly and keep calm. Dental nurses are mostly employed in the private dentist or orthodontist office.


·         Instruments decontamination responsibility

·         Maintain dental operating equipment

·         Arrange relevant materials and supplies

·         Making notes when the dentist is examining a patient

·         Work closely with the dentist and keep the surgery ready for use

Travel Nursing Conferences | Cancer Nursing Congress | Surgical Nursing Conferences

Track 19: Travel Nursing

Travel nursing is a method of nursing assignment that has developed in response to a shortage of nurses. These nurses are RNs from a variety of clinical backgrounds working for independent staffing agencies. Travel nurse’s needs may be due to lack of experienced nurses, expected absence leave, such as maternity leave, or seasonal population fluctuations. Travel nursing is an excellent career option for nurses who have at least 12 months of recent acute care clinical experience and want to advance their careers, salaries or lifestyles.


·         The ability to work as much or as little as you want to do

·         Control work schedules by accepting assignments as needed

·         The chance to check out a lot of areas of the country before you settle down

·         Experience a variety of work environments and company cultures

·         Seeing the country – and the world

·         Adventure opportunities

Cancer Nursing Congress | Surgical Nursing Conferences | Nursing Theory Congress

Track 20: Cancer Nursing

Oncology nurse is a nurse specialized in caring for patients suffering from cancer. Oncology nurses need a specialized oncology certifications and clinical experience beyond the standard baccalaureate. Oncology is an exhausting field in which nurses assist patients, families, and caregivers through the uncertainty of diagnosis and treatment, as well as the anxiety of other disease-induced uncertainties including mortality. Oncology nurses having three important roles, they are continuing the targets and morals of health care; take part in the patients' experiences; and resolve the health care principles and the patients' experiences. Nurse’s salary depends on experience, expertise, and location.

Daily activities

•        Care for patients diagnosed with cancer

•        Offering education and support for the families of patients

•        Chemotherapy Administration

•        Manage side effects of chemotherapy

•        Evaluation of ongoing needs and educational deficits

Surgical Nursing Conferences | Nursing Theory Congress | Nursing Education Conferences

Track 21: Surgical Nursing

Surgical nursing is also known as perioperative nursing that focuses on care before, during and right after surgical and diagnostic procedures. It is a challenging and powerful sector that offers many opportunities for learning and professional growth. Surgical nurses assist with all aspects of surgeries including cardiac surgery, oncology, neurosurgery, pediatrics, general surgery, ophthalmology, dental, orthopaedics, urology and many more. Surgical nurses are in high demand. Nurse’s salaries based on their level of education, years of experience, employer and where they live and work.

Working Areas

•        Hospitals

•        Ambulatory surgery centers

•        Clinics

•        Physician offices

Nursing Theory Congress | Nursing Education Conferences | Current Trends in Nursing Practice Congress

Benefits of participation:

Advantages of Participating at our Conference

  • The advantages of the Speaker and abstract pages are created in Google on your profile under your name would get worldwide visibility.
  • Our comprehensive online advertising attracts 30000+ users and 50000+ views to our Library of Abstracts, which takes researchers and speakers to our conference.
  • Meet with hundreds of like-minded experts who are pioneers in Nursing and Advances in Nursing and share ideas.
  • All participants in the conference would have a different reason to participate with eminent speakers and renowned keynote speakers in one-to-one meetings.
  • A rare opportunity to listen what the world's experts are learning about from the world's most influential researchers in the area of Nursing at our Keynote sessions.
  • World Nursing Meet 2022 intensive conference schedule, you will acquire experience and expertise in strategic gift preparation that is worth its weight golf, forming an impressive array of recognised professionals.
  • Best Poster Award nominations.
  • Award for Outstanding Young Researcher.
  • Group Registration Advantages.

Benefits of Participation for Speaker

  • Worldwide appreciation of the profile of Researchers.
  • Obtain credits for professional growth.
  • Explore the latest of cutting edge analysis.
  • Make long-term bonds at social and networking activities.
  • An ability to advertise one page in the distribution of abstract books and flyers that ultimately gets 1 million views and adds great value to your research profile.
  • Learn a transition beyond your area of interest to learn more about new subjects and studies away from your core subject of Nursing.
  • We have distinctive networking, learning and enjoyable integration into a single package.

Benefits of Participation for Delegate

  • Professional Development-Improve understanding and knowledge.
  • Attendance at conferences supports rejuvenates and energises delegates.
  • Your involvement in our conference will help with a new methodology and ideology that can be used to broaden the outcomes of businesses or industries.
  • Opportunities for Nursing Summit researchers and experts in the same field to meet and exchange new ideas through an physical conference.

Benefit of Participation for Sponsor

  • Exposure to the international environment would increase the possibility of new companies.
  • Opportunity to demonstrate your company's latest technologies, new products, or service your business to a wide range of international participants.
  • Increase business by our conference participants through lead generation.
  • It takes a lot of time, effort and drive to create a successful company, so it's always nice to have a network of colleagues and associates to draw energy from individuals who share a common drive and objective.
  • conferences in Nursing provide opportunities for more attention and contemplation that could help you move your company to the next stage.
  • Benchmarking main organization plans and moving it forward.
  • Get feedback from trustworthy people at our conference to your company questions and challenges.
  • On our conference banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing content, the advertising logo of your company.

Benefit of Association for Collaborators

  • Nobody has these massive visitors to Nursing in the world this is the best forum to highlight society.
  • Creating long-lasting peer relationships.
  • In our conference banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing material, promotional content and your Organization logo will increase your number of subscribers/members by 40%.
  • The exposure of our event to your Company listing in the Global Business forum will have a great effect on your association.
  • Your representatives can network to update their knowledge and understanding of your organisation and services with key conference delegates.
  • Nursing advertising materials such as posters, brochures, pamphlets, services that will be circulated to hospitals, universities, society and researchers will be integrated with information.

Market Analysis:

The 2019 Market Research Report on Nursing and Residential Care Facilities is an in-depth evaluation of the industry and will provide you with the key insights trends and benchmarks you need to create a broad and exhaustive diagnostic and understanding of the industry and company. Over the five years to 2017 the need for services provided by nursing care facilities is expected to grow steadily along with revenue. During the five-year period  the continued aging of the population has stimulated demand for industry services as the number of adults aged 65 and older is expected to increase

Advanced Nursing Research 2021 aims to discover advances in health practice chances and challenges for the nursing community, management and education in relation to health disparities as well as a breadth of other topics. According to the reports, total health care spending in Ireland in 2013 was €18.4 billion or 12.4% of Gross National Income (GNI). In November 2015, the organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reported in its “Health at a Glance 2015” annual data that spending on health in the US consumed 16.4% of GDP in US, followed by the Netherlands at 11.1%, an OECD average of 8.9% and an Irish ratio of 8.1% in 2012 while in the rate in UK in 2013 was 8.6%. Ireland spent 7.6 % on health, slightly higher than the EU average of 7.2%. In 2014, the expenditure on healthcare increased to 19.1 billion euro

To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 13-14, 2022
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